Category Archives: news

PKAN Gene Therapy

The PKAN physician-scientists at OHSU and scientists from the Horae Gene Therapy Center at UMass Chan Medical school have recently formed a partnership to develop gene therapy for PKAN. Early work in PKAN mice was initially done by Dr. Lauriel Earley, a former graduate student in Molecular & Medical Genetics at OHSU. Dr. Earley’s work […]


CoA-Z Trial Update

With the new year, we’d like to send an update on our progress with CoA-Z. In September, we told you that we had decided to set aside plans for further clinical trials with CoA-Z, instead focusing our efforts on compiling the necessary data to present to the FDA in order to gain approval to make […]


Update to the PKAN Community on CoA-Z

At the NBIA Family Meeting in May and in our follow-up communication to CoA-Z study participants, we mentioned the possibility of our doing one or more short follow-up studies of CoA-Z to supplement our clinical trial data. After further data analysis and reflection, we have decided that our current data is strong enough to submit […]


CoA-Z Clinical Trial Update

It’s hard to believe it, but the CoA-Z clinical trial started way back in December 2019 when we had no idea how much all our lives were about to be upended by a global pandemic. Many of you have reached out since then to ask for updates and to find out when results will be […]


A paper from the Sibon lab reveals important insights into biochemical changes in PKAN and related disorders

Dr. Sibon’s group in the Netherlands has published a paper that reveals important insights into the biochemical changes in PKAN and related disorders (CoPAN, MePAN and PDH-E2 deficiency). It reports work done largely by Roald Lambrechts (who just got his PhD yesterday!) and others in the Sibon lab. Dr. Sibon has also written a FAQs […]


Introducing the Spoonbill Foundation

As promised, here are updates on the fundraising questions you had about CoA-Z, the possible treatment of PKAN that we are developing. Our goal is to make CoA-Z available to everyone at the lowest cost possible so we have formed sister non-profit foundations in the Netherlands and US to further develop the compound. The link […]