Why donate? Research is expensive, and all money to support NBIA research at OHSU must be raised by me and my team. We write grants to help pay for research, but we’d rather spend the months it takes to develop a federal grant application on something better – doing NBIA research!
We aren’t working to cure cancer or heart disease or stroke, where most federal research dollars are spent. We care about NBIA! Over the past 25 years we’ve led basic, translational and clinical research in the NBIA disorders. But federal research funding is shrinking just when our discoveries are yielding the best ideas for new treatments. There has never been a time of greater promise for our community.
Every dollar you donate makes a difference. Your support led to our discoveries of the genes for PKAN, PLAN, BPAN and FAHN. Since those landmark discoveries, we’ve worked to understand each disease with the goal to develop a cure. That’s our aim, plain and simple.
The link below will take you to the OHSU Foundation, where you can make a gift to support NBIA research by myself and my team. Every dollar helps! We couldn’t have accomplished so much already without your dedication and support. Let’s keep our momentum strong. Thank you!